Press Release – Poll Results
March 1, 2014
Press Release
From February 24th – 26th, 2014, Ethridge and Associates, LLC of Memphis, Tennessee conducted an Arkansas Statewide Poll commissioned by Conduit for Action. The poll sampled 400 likely Republican primary voters (41% male and 59% female) with a margin of error of 4.9%. An analysis of the results shows Republican primary voters have very conservative opinions on issues. GOP voters are tired of Washington overreach. They believe the federal government is out of control. They do not like Obamacare. Though they appear not to be very familiar with the term “private option,” when defined, they oppose it as Medicaid expansion. It is clear they want state officials to aggressively push back against DC.
Below are results as they directly relate to the issue regarding the Private Option:
Q. Which of the following do you view as the most important issue facing the State of Arkansas?
o Fighting the Obamacare agenda……….30%
o Reducing taxes and spending and balancing the budget………35%
o Medicaid expansion known as the “Private Option”……….6%
o Improving the economy and creating jobs……….20%
o Don’t Know……….0%
Q. Last year, the state legislature passed what is commonly referred to as the “Private Option.” The Private Option involves expanding Arkansas’ Medicaid program, a cornerstone of Obamacare. Arkansas taxpayers will be responsible for paying for part of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion known as the Private Option. Do you support or oppose the “Private Option”?
o Support……….22%
o Oppose……..66%
o No Opinion……..12%
Q. Do you believe the federal government has grown too powerful and threatens the authority of state government and individual liberties?
o Yes………84%
o No………9%
o Don’t know……..8%
Dr. Steven C. Ethridge has 34 years experience as a communication strategist and pollster. His clients include congressmen, governors, and conservative non-profit organizations. For more polling results, contact Conduit for Action at