This is the Moment !

We have the will of the people behind us to make a stand against the big government forces.

We have the party, we have the numbers, and we have the message.

Like Governor Scott Walker, Senator Rand Paul, and Senator Ted Cruz, it must be us that are willing to take the side of the Arkansas people to stop the largest expansion of government in Arkansas history.

Those who promote this big government expansion are capable of “any means necessary” but will not prevail if we simply stand with the hard working people of Arkansas.

The Private Option is Arkansas’ issue and Obamacare served to us on our own plates.

So, though most Arkansan’s may not know what the words “private option” stated alone mean–they understand Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion and government growth.

The Private Option is the issue.  This week is the time to show support for the leadership of those that oppose this measure. There is little doubt that they will be rewarded at the polling place.

Alternatively, we can settle for insignificant compromise and be relegated to the position of being common spectators, unwilling to stand when it counts, to be weak kneed and the same as all the rest.

We decide!

Stand or be common, the nation is watching, now is the time.

And now……the poll results:

Arkansas Statewide Poll of Likely Republican Primary Voter
Sample Size: n=400 MOE +/- 4.9 @ 95% Confidence
Interviewing Dates: February 24-26, 2014

(Note: Percentages may add to slightly more or less than 100% due to computer rounding.)

Q Which of the following do you view as the most important issue facing the State of Arkansas? (ROTATED)

 Fighting the Obama agenda …………………………………………… 30%
 Reducing taxes and spending and balancing the budget ……….. 35%
 Medicaid expansion known as the “Private Option” ……………….. 6%
 Improving the economy and creating jobs …………………………. 29%
 Don’t know …………………………………………………………………… 0%

Q Last year, the state legislature passed what is commonly referred to as the “Private Option.” The Private Option involves expanding Arkansas’ Medicaid program, a cornerstone of Obamacare. Arkansas taxpayers will be responsible for paying for part of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion known as the Private Option. Do you support or oppose the “Private Option”?

 Support …………… 22%
 Oppose …………… 66%
 No opinion ………. 12%

Q Do you believe the federal government has grown too powerful and threatens the authority of state government and individual liberties?

 Yes ………………… 84%
 No ……………………. 9%
 Don’t know ………… 8%