CFC 2017 Scorecard
Conduit Releases 2017 Legislative Scorecard Rankings
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June 13, 2017
Conduit for Commerce, Inc. has released its 2017 General and Special Sessions 91st Arkansas General Assembly scorecard rankings. This scorecard ranks Arkansas state legislators based on their floor and committee votes on more than 30 bills for each the House and the Senate. Conduit scored the votes of both chambers based on its previously released weekly evaluations of the then upcoming session bills measured by Conduit’s Economic Freedom Filter, citing, does it (1) Shrinks or Grows Government, (2) Increases or Decreases Dependency on Government, and/or (3) Spends More or Saves Money. Conduit’s scorecard also considers transparency bills. The filter assures that all scores are tied to good policy and economic freedom principles promoting economic growth for all citizens in Arkansas.
Legislators receiving the highest scores were determined to be the most fiscally conservative legislators and those with lower scores represent the state’s more fiscally progressive legislators.
The full rankings can be found at Conduit for Commerce’s website
ABOUT CONDUIT: Conduit for Commerce is an Arkansas 501(c)(3) non-profit organization educating the public and legislators on the benefits of economic freedom, limited government, and individual liberty with an emphasis on small Arkansas business.