UPDATE: HB1727 and HB1726, the Gas Tax Increase bills PASSED out of Committee this morning and will go to the House Floor for a full vote.
HB1726 and HB1727 have now moved to the full house floor for a vote. The gas tax and bond issue do the following:
- Imposes 6.5% sales tax on the wholesale price of gasoline and diesel. This will cost people across Arkansas on every single gas purchase they make.
- Would take $200 million annually from the pocketbooks of people all over the state.
- Authorizes a bond program to issue public debt backed by the general revenues of the state of Arkansas. If the taxes raised do not cover the debt, then general revenues would have to be used to cover those bonds. This places fundamental services that the government provides at jeopardy. The bonds would have to be approved by the voters.
- The ballot title and information provided at the ballot box is misleading to the people and doesn’t fully explain that they are voting to increase taxes.
- Voters have already past previous bond and tax increases to support roads. When is enough truly enough?
Contact your legislator and tell them to VOTE NO on HB1726 and HB1727, the Gas Tax Increase.